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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Girls BBall is on !!

The Girl's Basketball team began practicing in December - with 25 very enthusiastic
team participants. They have been working very hard, learning the game, and getting ready for the 8 games that are scheduled in January.

Come out and support the Rams !!

The schedule is as follows
(games not listed with "@" will be played at Mountain Vista)

Monday 1/10/11 Watson 3:45pm
Weds 1/12/11 Fox Meadow 4:15
Tues 1/18/11 @Panorama 4:15
Weds 1/19/11 @Carmel 4:15
Weds 1/26/11 Janitell 3:45
Thurs 1/27/11 @Sproul 3:30
Mon 1/31/11 Mtn Ridge 3:45
Weds 2/2/11 @Challenger 3:15 (8th grade plays first)

Boys basketball - practice begins Tuesday, February 7th. If your child is planning on participating , please make sure they have a current physical *and* all paper work turned in before the first practice.

Reach Higher Summit / You're Invited !

The Educating Children of Color Summit, UCCS College of Education Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leadership and Counseling Symposium will join forces for the 2011 Reach Higher Summit, sponsored by the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and the Minority Overrepresentation Committee of the Best Practices Court of the Fourth Judicial District.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
8 am to 4:30 pm
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Culturally responsive teaching leadership and counseling, immigration issues,
GLBTQ issues, military issues, brain development
$25 fee for professionals
Parents and high school students are free

Click here to register for the summit and find out more.
Parents and high school students are free end encouraged to attend this summit.

The keynote speaker is Christine E. Sleeter, PhD., author of the 2010 Critical Multiculturalism: Theory and Praxis, and the 2009 Making Choices for Multicultural Education: Five Approaches to Race, Class and Gender. She is the author of approximately 100 additional publications on education and inclusion.