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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Girls On The Run - Having Fun !


Girls on the run educates and prepares preteen girls for a lifetime of self respect and healthy living.

Twenty 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls will be participating in the Girls on the Run program this Fall. Our club meets every Tuesday and Thursday after school from 3:45 - 5:15pm.

Each practice incorporates running with a lesson aimed at the mental, emotional, social and spiritual well being of young girls. This program will culminate in a 5k race held at Venetucci Farms in Colorado Springs on Saturday, November 12th.

Way to go GOTR Rams!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Join us for our first musical celebration
of the 2011-2012 school year !

6pm (both evenings)

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 Cookies & Concert (performance by grades 5th & 6th)

Thursday, October 20th, 2011 Cookies & Concert (performance by grades 7th & 8th)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy New School Year !!! 2011/2012

Classes start Monday, August 15, 2011.

Our daily schedule is: M-F / Drop off time = 7:50am
Classes begin = 8:10am

Monday only (early release): Classes end = 1:40pm
Tues - Friday /Classes end = 3:35pm

There are alot of exciting changes happening this year - for a chance to mingle with the staff and visit the building, please join us at our annual ice cream social this Friday (8/12) from 3-5pm.

Have more questions? Check us out online at: http:\\mountainvista.hsd2.org/for-parents

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Girls BBall is on !!

The Girl's Basketball team began practicing in December - with 25 very enthusiastic
team participants. They have been working very hard, learning the game, and getting ready for the 8 games that are scheduled in January.

Come out and support the Rams !!

The schedule is as follows
(games not listed with "@" will be played at Mountain Vista)

Monday 1/10/11 Watson 3:45pm
Weds 1/12/11 Fox Meadow 4:15
Tues 1/18/11 @Panorama 4:15
Weds 1/19/11 @Carmel 4:15
Weds 1/26/11 Janitell 3:45
Thurs 1/27/11 @Sproul 3:30
Mon 1/31/11 Mtn Ridge 3:45
Weds 2/2/11 @Challenger 3:15 (8th grade plays first)

Boys basketball - practice begins Tuesday, February 7th. If your child is planning on participating , please make sure they have a current physical *and* all paper work turned in before the first practice.

Reach Higher Summit / You're Invited !

The Educating Children of Color Summit, UCCS College of Education Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leadership and Counseling Symposium will join forces for the 2011 Reach Higher Summit, sponsored by the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and the Minority Overrepresentation Committee of the Best Practices Court of the Fourth Judicial District.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
8 am to 4:30 pm
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Culturally responsive teaching leadership and counseling, immigration issues,
GLBTQ issues, military issues, brain development
$25 fee for professionals
Parents and high school students are free

Click here to register for the summit and find out more.
Parents and high school students are free end encouraged to attend this summit.

The keynote speaker is Christine E. Sleeter, PhD., author of the 2010 Critical Multiculturalism: Theory and Praxis, and the 2009 Making Choices for Multicultural Education: Five Approaches to Race, Class and Gender. She is the author of approximately 100 additional publications on education and inclusion.

Friday, April 9, 2010

April News!

Wow - where has the school year gone? Girls and Boys basketball season is over - congrats to the teams, they had a great season filled with lots of opportunities to show off good sportsmanship. Track season is in full bloom and we're looking forward to our first meet on April 13th @ Sierra High School. Go Rams!

Other News:

Monday, April 12th: Harrison School District is *CLOSED* / WOO HOO, enjoy the time off!

Wednesday, April 14th: Skate Night @ Skate City 5:30-8:30pm

Thursday, April 15th: is College Wear Day (support higher education by wearing a t-shirt or sweatshirt that represents your institution of higher learning)

Friday, April 16th: Spring picture day

Saturday, April 24th: March of Dimes Walk-A-Thon in America the Beautiful Park
(go to http://www.marchforbabies.org/team/t1385643) to support our student government as they spearhead this event.

PTO is still selling yummy chocolate bars to raise funds ($1 each / in 5 delicious flavors)